Pioneering the New Consciousness


As we move into the New Consciousness, we will be moving into a different way of living. This 7 day workshop is designed to experience pioneering and living in the New Consciousness high vibrational energy. It includes lecture, interactive discussion, demonstrations and practice sessions, to harness and use high vibrational energy. Using practical tools, the workshop helps us acclimatise to the New Consciousness in our daily lives.

7 Day Workshop Advanced Vibrational Healing Technique


During the recent years, Earth has been going through an intense shift in vibration, from the third dimension to a higher dimension. This has resulted in a thinning of the veil to planes at a higher vibration. In order to continue existing in these new vibrations, everything on the planet needs to vibrate at the same frequency to maintain harmony with the new frequencies. Social systems, human culture and behaviour, political and economic situations at lower resonance will cease to exist as we know it. We, as humans, need to shift our own vibrations in order to be in resonance with these higher energies in these new planes.


This shift has also enabled us to access stronger more potent energies. Having access to these new energies gives us a different tool to do things differently, in accordance to the new vibrational plane that we find ourselves in. We find ourselves having access to many new ways of Being. The Council of Beings of Light are spiritual beings that have come from a part of the cosmos that has gone through similar changes that are now happening on Earth. They wish to work with souls on Earth that are of the right vibrational level to pass on energy techniques that they found helpful in their change. This includes how to live life in a different way in these new energies and ultimately embody the energy itself.

7 Day Workshop Advanced Vibrational Healing Technique

What is Vibrational Energy?

Every object, including human organs, has a natural healthy vibratory rate. If a part of the body begins to vibrate out of resonance it creates disharmony, which produces ill health. The existing ways to treat energy imbalances and disharmonies are using different energy techniques such as flower essences, sound, therapeutic grade essential oils, acupuncture, hands-on healing, crystals. Each individual sound, colour, crystal, or flower essence has a specific quality that is beneficial for a particular human organ or system. Other therapies that work with the emotion or thoughts causing of the problem also bring back energy harmony. This includes past life and regression therapy. Now, we ourselves can access and channel the energies that can bring the body back to harmony. In the Higher Frequencies, we can also work with vibrational energies for different things. The Council of Beings of Light have shared some simple techniques that we can utilise whilst existing in this new plane. The incredibly subtle, fine energies can enhance our way of pioneering and Being in this new Vibrational Plane, and the Advanced Energy Techniques gives a simple yet effective methods of using energies in a powerful yet harmonic way in this new dimension.

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What does the training include?

  • How to raise personal energy vibrations through changes in diet, detox, energy protection, increasing the vibrations in our place of living, the use of sound and crystals
  • Understanding when and how to use different energies
  • Different outlets in the body for directing energy
  • Defensive use of energy against psychic attacks
  • Offensive use of energy techniques
  • Healing with new high vibration energy
  • Manifesting our desires with new high vibration energy
  • Embodying and new ways of living in the high vibrations of the new plane
  • Personal responsibilities and constraints using high vibrational energy
  • Attunement to the Council of Beings of Light

Upcoming Events

Reena Kumarasingham | Advanced Vibrational Training | UK 2-8 June 2020

AVT 1Ā EuropeĀ - 3 to 9 June 2025

The residential workshop is located in Glastonbury, UK and set in a peaceful setting, with stunning views of Glastonbury Tor. The tutor fee for the 7 day workshop is Ā£1200, and low cost accommodation available.

For more information contact Andy Tomlinson email; [email protected]

Reena Kumarasingham | Advanced Vibrational Training | US 16-22 September 2020

AVT 2 Europe - 8 toĀ 14 July 2025

AĀ residential workshop Ā for those who have attended AVT1.Ā 

The workshop is also located in Glastonbury.Ā The tutor fee for the 7 day workshop is Ā£1200, and low cost accommodation available.

For more information on the content of Pioneering New Consciousness AVT 2 contact Andy Tomlinson email; [email protected]

What my clients have to say

Reena is one of the most amazing therapists and spiritual guides I have ever come across on my journey. She supported me in dealing with some of my worst nightmares and also guided me to transform my life in ways that I didn't believe would be possible for me. She is incredibly intuitive, efficient and dedicated to helping you achieve your personal goals. She is both strong and delicate and very well-rounded, which makes you feel that she has a tool for every need that you may have during your process. She remains my go to person in the moments when I did a bit of extra help to overcome an issue.


I've connected with Reena several times for energy healing. Each healing has been a revelation. She has an amazing gift for getting right to the heart of the situation and manages to find a way to clear the negative energy and allow healing to take place. It's always incredible to wake up to a written report on what Reena's found and these always resonate to a point where I know she's spot on in what she's found. Reena has a gift that I'm in total awe of and I would have no hesitation in recommending her.

- GS, UK

Thank you Reena for how you have helped me. Since my session, I have definitely felt a change in the way I feel about myself. Although it is subtle I know that I feel different. I am less self conscious and am definitely kinder to myself and more assertive. Without your treatment I donā€™t think I would be as strong to deal with a difficulty I am now facing. I seem to have so much more inner strength at the moment. I am forever grateful to you.


Reena is a wondrous combination of a wise teacher and a deeply compassionate therapist. She guides and supports her students in learning complex theory while helping them grow into their own depth. She is a joy to work with.


Reena was very adept at getting to the core of the issues I needed to address ā€“ some of which were blind spots for me, and after the session things began to change almost immediately. My confidence improved and I was able to move forward with my work with an increased sense of self belief. Thank you Reena ā€“ you have a wonderful gift.


My sessions with Reena provided me with the stepping stone to wellness of mind, body & spirit. It is, to put it simply, common sense healing. The sessions were immensely therapeutic and cathartic, always comfortable and comforting, and this allowed me to naturally embrace the entire process. I was thrilled to see positive changes in myself within a week! I continue to enjoy my journey into self-discovery, self-love and self-acceptance, and I am most grateful to Reena for paving the way for me.


I saw Reena to help with my confidence issues. I am a shy and reserved person by nature, and meeting new people or just a simple phone call can be scary and difficult for me or get me feeling all anxious. I work in the entertainment industry and I meet new clients and prominent people in the industry every day which, presented me with many problems because of my shyness. After our first session, I felt better about myself and was able to speak on the phone or meeting people for the first time with more ease. Reena is such a natural at making people feel relaxed and ā€™safeā€™ and I am truly grateful to her for all the help sheā€™s given me.


Thank you Reena for how you have helped me. Since my session, I have definitely felt a change in the way I feel about myself. Although it is subtle I know that I feel different. I am less self conscious and am definitely kinder to myself and more assertive. Without your treatment I donā€™t think I would be as strong to deal with a difficulty I am now facing. I seem to have so much more inner strength at the moment. I am forever grateful to you.


I went to see Reena for a Regression Therapy session not knowing quite what to expect. Reena quickly put me at ease and before I knew it I was ā€˜underā€™ and into my first experience. I have to say the session was extremely healing and it was fascinating to see that my own body knew what it needed to do to release the memories of the past. What made the session especially profound however is Reenaā€™s gift of intuition which enabled her to lead the session into places where I was able to receive guidance from the highest of levels. This combined with her ability to connect and bring through beautiful messages from her own guides made this session an incredible and unforgettable experience for me. I canā€™t wait to do another session. Thank you Reena.


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