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Being a Pioneer of the New Consciousness

Uncategorized Feb 06, 2025

A pioneer is someone who does something new, perhaps with a new idea, or new product and even a different way of thinking.  

There are so many types of pioneers. Those in the United States in waggons during the nineteenth century searched out new land and settling in it to raise their family.  

The intellectual pioneers explored new ideas and theories – Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei for example promoted the idea that the Earth revolved around the Sun, during a time when the commonly held view was that the Earth was at the centre.  

And the social pioneers – William Wilberforce stood up against slavery and eventually stopped the practice in Great Britain and then eventually around the world.

Then the spiritual pioneers like Buddha and Jesus whose teaching was a new way of being against the established political and religious hierarchy. 

But pioneering is not easy.  

Pioneers have to give up the comfort of old, established ways of doing things. They have all faced challenges and obstacles – whether it is a physical one or the fierce resistance of the established ways and ideas.  

Pioneering requires tenacity, courage and commitment. It involves sacrifice – friends and families who distance themselves from new revolutionary idea they don’t understand, loss of creature comforts, or loss of jobs, established lifestyles or reputation.

However, without pioneers there will be no new ideas, new ways of being, new knowledge or new settlements. 

Pioneering challenges ineffective social conditioning, opening a whole new world that may not have been considered before.  It is an opportunity to move away from what has stopped working and to embrace new ways that do work. 

What would have happened if women had not been given the chance to vote or be educated?  Or if slavery was still legal? Where would we be without the wisdom of Buddha or Jesus? 

Now, there is a new challenge to be the pioneers of the New Earth, and perhaps we can share some thoughts about it. 

Pioneering is done with communities

Copernicus and Galileo were not the only people who put theories out about the Earth revolving around the sun. Others built on them until they were accepted such as Isaac Newton's work with gravity and Johannes Keple published tables that predicted planetary positions for astronomers based on elliptical orbits.

The suffragettes fighting for women’s right to vote fought as groups. William Wilberforce led the abolitionists in a growing movement over two decades to get Parliament to pass a law ending the slave trade.

Communities passed the wisdom of Jesus and Buddha to one another. 

In the same way as a New Earth is being created, there are communities where like-minded individuals are gathering together.  Old social networks are falling away as we disengage from the old ways that do not feel right.  However, we can develop new social networks through physical meetings, social media groups or associations pulled together by a shared vision of creating the new.  

These communities will be the foundation pillars to create the New Earth.  While the old consciousness is slowly crumbling, these new communities will be the anchor point for the new.  

Commitment and integrity to their path 

Pioneers before us have all shown resilience and commitment to their path.  No matter what was thrown at them, they stuck resolutely to it – even when their lives, lifestyle and reputation was threatened.  

Changes in consciousness will impact everyone.  However, because it is so subtle, many people may not understand or believe in it.  So going against the established ideas or conditioned path can result in being mocked, ostracised or disbelieved.   

We need to be committed to shifting to the New Earth and be prepared to let go of what does not resonate for us.

Not give in to shame or fear or guilt

All pioneers have been shamed and rejected for going against the establishment or be seen to be guilty of disturbing the peace of society. As a result, most pioneers have been threatened and society programmed to fear them.  

Early Christians were threatened with death and some thrown into Arenas by the Roman. Galileo was declared a heretic by the Church and his books banned. The Suffragettes were branded as militants and imprisoned for their campaign tactics to give women the right to vote. 

Jesus and the early Christians did not give into the establishment. Galileo never retracted his work.  Wilberforce and the suffragettes never diverted from their goal. 

If we succumb to the fear, shaming, or guilt we are absorbing and holding some of the lower vibrations. However, if we hold firm with, hope, harmony and live meaningfully we will keep our vibrations high. And create the new with our elevated frequency. 

Using Intuition to Create

Every pioneer ploughed through and created a new path. 

They followed their intuition, the internal compass that we all have, as opposed to being swayed by the external noise.  

The applies in pioneering the New Consciousness. As it is a New Consciousness many of the old ways will not apply. There will be little that is established or familiar.  So, we have to follow our intuition and do what resonates as opposed to listening to external dissent.  

Being a pioneer for the New Earth will involve plenty of letting go to be able to rebuild.  We have the opportunity to create a world that we want to live in, one that totally resonates with us.  

We have the opportunity to usher in the Golden Age.   

Isn’t that worth it? 

We have a one week retreat to experience living in the New Consciousness which will be a transformational experience and opportunity to learn new energy skills. For more see Pioneering the New Consciousness.



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