Happy December Solstice 2025.
It’s been a while since I’ve sent out a newsletter. My father passed away in the middle of 2022 and I wasn’t in the right place to write while I’ve been working through my grief. It took time to work through the fall out of the most important person in my heart, and a pivotal foundation stone in my life passing away. But 2025 is different as I feel stronger.
Thank you to my existing subscribers for staying with me while I went through this tough time. And thank you to my new subscribers for being there. š I really appreciate you.
2025 is going to be an exciting year. There’ll be so much to share. The first thing is a monthly newsletter that I will be writing about this exciting time we are going through as we are accelerating into the Golden Age. They are intended to inspire you to unleash your own amazing divinity.
What is this Golden Age?
Vedic Astrology talks about the four yugas, or the four ages that the consciousness of humanity cycles through – the Golden Age (Satya Yuga), the Silver Age (Treta Yuga), the Iron Age (Dwarpa Yuga) and the Age of Darkness (Kali Yuga). Consciousness expands as we cycle from Kali Yuga through Sathya Yuga, and contracts as we cycle the other way, from Sathya to Kali Yuga. According to some Astrologers, the entire cycle takes 24,000 years.
Kali Yuga is the age where humans are the humans are the least evolved, spiritually and intellectually. People are generally only able to comprehend material things. Most Astrologers agree that we are now at the end of Kali Yuga, and our consciousness is ascending to either the Golden Age (Sathya Yuga) or cycling up towards the Iron Age (Dawarpa Yuga). Whichever age we are going towards, the consensus is that our consciousness is ascending.
This is in line with western astrologers who also claim that we are moving from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. They calculate this based on the precessional rotation of the Earth. It takes a little more than 2,000 years for the Earth to move from one Age to another.
During the time of Moses around 4,000 years ago, it shifted from the age of Taurus to Aries and we moved from the old belief in the many gods of the Egyptians to the new belief in the one God. During the time of Jesus 2,000 years ago, it shifted from Aries to Pisces and Jesus’s teaching was able to shift people’s consciousness further. What will the shift be this time?
Not only are we moving from one age to another, according to the western astrologers, we are starting a brand new 26,000 year cycle where we are starting an entirely new precession through the twelve Ages. As a result the Earth is being bombarded by very high vibrations that is shifting its consciousness. And because people’s consciousness are part of the Earth, we need to shift to be in resonance which will move us to a New Consciousness and birth the New Earth, bringing about the Golden Age.
We are all aware of the chaos around us and the collapse of our belief about how the world is that may seem frightening. And confused with the bombardment of so much conflicting information. But behind this shadow is eternal light and a spiritual plan for Earth and humanity. It is an opportunity for all of us to expand our consciousness and ascend into the new, lighter frequencies.
I will be talking more about this at the brand new Align with you Cosmic Essence Online Summit that will run on 11 and 12 January 2025, where I’ll be revealing the unspoken secret to Unconditional Love. I’m so excited to join eleven other facilitators who will be speaking at the summit. If this appeals to you, please click on this link to find out more about this summit.
My husband and I have also collaborated on new projects on birthing the New Earth which I am excited to share and reveal them as 2025 progresses.
Once again, thank you for your support and understanding. And I look forward to our collective birthing of the New Earth together.
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