Earth is receiving an inflow of high vibrational energy enabling everything that have been suppressed by the veils of illusion to come to light. The suppressed feminine is one of these.
For many years the patriarchal system has supressed the feminine. This suppression has caused a wound, and the energy of it has been unable to flow and has become pent up. Pressure that mounts eventually explodes out - much like a volcanic eruption instead of a gentle flow of lava.
And the high vibrational energy bombarding Earth is assisting in rising the feminine in all of us. It is only through the healing can the feminine be truly empowered.
The difference between a wounded feminine and the empowered feminine;
So, when we feel triggered or when we find ourselves passing harsh judgements to others in a way that is unhelpful to them, we are coming from our wounded aspect. This is an indication for us to empower our divine feminine aspect and look inwards, to acknowledge our own emotions and wounding and move forward in healing to become empowered, to create a loving, guiding, nurturing presence.
The empowered feminine is crucial now during this transitioning time of the because we have a unique opportunity to create a New Earth on a clean high vibrational slate. Moving away from this destructive world of duality. to a constructive one of Oneness, as we are moving into the New Consciousness.
We need the creative, nourishing and nurturing aspects of the Empowered Feminine to work with the focused, purposeful, productive aspects of the Empowered Masculine the to build this new Earth. One cannot exist in balance without the other.
It all starts by committing to heal the wounded aspects of ourselves, and move forward in empowerment. The separation and wounding of the Feminine has torn us into pieces. Balance and Harmony of the Empowered Feminine and Empowered Masculine will bring us back to Peace.
We are witnessing the extraordinary rise of the Divine Feminine coming into balance with the Sacred Masculine. All of us, both men and women, hold the essence of both the divine feminine and sacred masculine within us, as energetic, psychological and archetypal components.
More about moving into Oneness is in Reena's and Andy's new book Between Lives - Past-Life Regression, Near-Death Experiences, and the Evolution of Consciousness. Its full of self-help exercise to help readers on their journey to the New Consciousness.
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